Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I rarely come to Little Tokyo because I am always afraid of parking in this area. So far I haven't had too much trouble but be sure to bring your change for the meters! lol This time around I went with Tiramisu. We decided to grab some sushi in this area, but we actually got lost a bit. There was a wait to get in and we shopped around the Japanese Village Plaza Mall. After dinner, we came out and continued to shop as well grab a dessert. We happened to choose Mikawaya, which was near the center of the plaza. The place was pretty empty but we decided to check it out. They are a cash only place and luckily I had enough cash for the both of us.
Tiramisu bought mochi desserts for home and I decided to give their gelato a try. After trying a few, I wasn't too impressed but I always feel really bad when I don't buy! Darn my conscience for causing me to spend money on stuff I don't want. I think after trying a few flavors, I just decided to choose one that I hadn't tried and wing it. The flavor I chose was Crème Brûlée and it was not very good. I thought it lacked any real flavor and was more watery/icy than smooth. Don't remember if I even finished this... but I am sure it was not fun... had to burn those extra empty calories! grr! lol I wish I had just gone to Céfiore. Would've been a much better choice... =*(

118 Japanese Vlg Plaza Mall
Los Angeles, CA 90012

(213) 624-1681
Mikawaya on Urbanspoon


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