Saturday, February 20, 2010

SoBe Food Festival!

Come one, come all! It is this time of year again. Well, this will be my first time out in Miami and to attend the South Beach Wine and Food Festival from Feb. 25th - Feb. 28th. I have had an awesome time these past few months hitting up Wine and Food Festivals all around. Thanks to the wonderful sponsorship of Food Network for the Sobe Food Fest! There are many wondrous events set in motion. Although a lot of tickets are sold out, if you are around and want to check out any open events then go to or even just to browse. A lot of the events are on the beautiful beaches of Miami.

There are many distinguished chefs here working their kitchen magic. In most events you can see them working hard behind the scenes preparing the food. Photo op!

Hope to see you all there! Or maybe start planning to attend next year! ^_-


Pooch Purple Reign said...

hey from canada

i was searching for gelato flavours and found your blog. very cool !


Kat said...

Thanks so much Laura! I am glad you like my blog. ^_^ It is funny that you mention gelato, I will be posting about some unique fruit flavors I had in Miami.

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