Friday, January 29, 2010

After having an extremely exhausting week of driving to and from nowhere land and back to civilization for my externship, I needed a pick me up! It's so sad that I don't even get paid for this *beep*, but that is another story. =P So at the end of the week, I had the difficult decision of driving up to LA with Holly for some Dine LA grubbing. Darn my weakness! I caved and we went. O=) Since Ms. Lin is TOTALLY abandoning me next week... you know what you did! >_<### I had planned to go to XIV, Michael Mina's restaurant, next week but I was able to get a last minute reservation at 9:45 PM, 1/29/10. Warning, valet is $10 there and parking super difficult to find on Sunset Blvd on a Friday night. Typical of LA so good luck! lol There are Renaissance-like painting around the building, but as you approach front on it has a total modern feel. The doors were hard to see but there is a guy there to open it for you. At first it almost felt like you were trying to get into a club. From the outer decor it looks sleek and quiet but once the door opens it feels like you stepped into another world. There's an extremely trendy bar on the left as you enter. Then to the right is an old Parisian-like dining area. Either area was EXTREMELY crowded and narrow in space. The bartender was super nice and not bad looking. O=) Holly let me try her drink and it was actually pretty good but pricey. The bar scene is definitely worth a visit. One thing I thought was sweet was that all the employees had a support Haiti sticker on them. You can donate on your bill to the cause as well. Now onto the food... drum roll please... lol For bread, they brought each of us Naan with Yogurt. This was definitely something different. The flavors were light and clean. They tried to make it hummus like with spices on top but the only thing you taste was the yogurt flavor. Holly and I had a difficult time deciding on what to order. Apparently XIV has a set prix fixe of $62 for a 6 course, which is only $20 more than Dine LA. I was tempted because you can choose anything on the menu, but the stuff I wanted had supplemental charges! >_<# So forget about it! >=P Guess I'll have to stick to the Dine LA week menu.
The main reason I chose XIV was because they offer Tataki of American Wagyu Skirt that's served with Moroccan Spiced Vegetables. Holly chose the Parsnip Soup, to my surprise. My steak was actually pretty nicely cooked. The flavor was not bad. There were hints of sweetness mixed within the seasonings. Technically I have yet to have a real Wagyu steak, don't think this one really counts, but getting closer. O=) The meat was tender and they gave a pretty decent portion. I didn't really care for the vegetables because they were really just pickled and super sour. It didn't really compliment the steak. I still tried to eat as much veggies as I could. This was probably the best dish of the night.
For the main course we both chose Jidori Chicken. Apparently this is a really popular dish in LA because I saw it on most Dine LA menus. The only thing that was special about the menu at XIV was that they serve it with Truffle Macaroni and Cheese, Broccoli, and Carmelized Onion Jus. Sure this all sounds good on paper, but they fell short in execution. My chicken was super tender but I felt like I can taste chicken blood somewhere. It doesn't help that the place was not very well lit... I took a picture with my phone but I am too lazy to post up. Near the bone you could tell it was undercooked, which reaffirmed my belief. Needless to say, I felt sick after I got home! =***( What is worse was that the chicken wasn't good! I suffered for nothing! It was bland and flavorless. There are no salt and pepper within reach to help make this more edible. I am not sure if the jus work because I tried getting the chicken to soak up any and all sauce on the plate. When they first brought out the dish I could smell the truffles but that went away fast. Normally I am a huge fan of truffled mac & cheese. At first bite the flavor bursts in your mouth but it quickly turned South. It's rare for me to say this but the cheese was way overpowering. Having Bleu Cheese be the main ingredient totally ruined the dish. It was a bit too pungent and tasted more on the rotten side than anything else. =*( This was a very unsatisfying and disappointing dish.
One of Michael Mina's signature dish is his Classic Rootbeer Float with Warm Chocolate Chip Cookies. I have had this before at Stonehill Tavern and I really liked it so I told Holly about it, which convinced her to order it as well. O=) There were other choices that were more unique and different but I opted for my yummy cookies and float. Sadly that was a mistake. Maybe I was looking too forward for this and was let down. The rootbeer was way too strong and tasted more like black licorice. If they added more ice cream in the float then it would still be good. Holly and I discussed whether they made the rootbeer in house. I think she is right that it is because it's stronger than most rootbeers on the market. Since I didn't like this at all, I chugged it down fast so I wouldn't really have to taste it. =*( As for the cookies, it was still good. Of course it isn't something you can't make or get anywhere else, but sometimes the simple things in life are the best.

All in all I wasn't too impressed with the place as you can tell. I am sure my opinion is pretty different with Holly's. Still, the company was good and it was a nice establishment. The biggest thing I had issues with was how small and tight-knit the spaces were! I seriously don't need to have everyone's butt on my table or have their butt wiping my table clean or eat my food and have someone "butt" me. Ewwww! Keep your butt to yourself please. The people aren't really to blame because it is not their fault that the establishment decided to stuff way too many tables into a tiny space. Even the bar is super packed. There's barely any space to stand behind the person who's sitting at the bar and then you have millions of servers or people squeezing through. Sometimes I need breathing room! Still, I do think the decor is nice and it is an experience. If possible, avoid the bathroom. I went and they have a service lady there, which really isn't needed. It was cute that she had a variety of amenities. You can't get yourself a napkin to wipe your hands, she hands it to you. I thanked her and left. She gave me such stink eye for not tipping. It's kind of sad to see how no one tips her but I could definitely do without the attitude when I am just going to the bathroom and washing my hands. She didn't really help me with much else. This put me off a little bit. Not her, but the place for trying to be so pretentious and the attitude of some servers. No thanks. I paid my bill with cash, which I know is rare for me, and they didn't even bother to give me my change. They only gave me solid bills and kept my change. I would have left the change anyway or given more tip but I felt short-changed, literally, so the server will have to take the blame upon herself. Don't know if I would ever really come back to this place, but I am glad I went for the experience. It just reaffirmed my belief that Michael Mina restaurants are overrated and more for show than for the food.

Michael Mina's XIV
8117 W Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90046
(323) 656-1414
XIV on Urbanspoon

Friday, January 22, 2010

Today, 1/22/10, was the beginning of Dine Newport Beach and for me... it is a sign that I should AVOID this poor selection. After being in SF for Dine SF and the start of Dine LA soon, this small selection is proving to be atrocious. For a while now, I have been wanting to try Tradition by Pascal. Some friends of mine have told me of their good experiences. After today, I question their tastes or if they were just lucky that night. Maybe it is the menu selection but I did hear a bunch of people rave about the food. This led me to question the diners. Were we even eating the same meal? Ironically, my friend Holly was having a worse time than me! lol There are many bad things that happened that I have to relay to my readers. The whole experience was just not good at all. I am put off in going to anymore NB restaurants. Tomorrow I am going to a lunch place for one more try before I write off this whole dine about. In the past the participating places have not wowed me. A lot of them offer a cheaper or the same prix-fixe so it really isn't that much of a deal to come out. Especially on this rainy and gloomy day. I am trying to not eat after 7pm and today I made an exception to celebrate the beginning of dine NB and to catch up with Holly. The company was good but everything else, a waste of my time and energy. I wish I stayed home!
So the night didn't start off that bad. One of the male servers greeted me and seated me. He was pretty nice. A few people came by to ask what I would like to drink and I asked for water, which took a while to come. Then came our horrid server. The only female server in this place was just snooty, pretentious, and plain RUDE. This just began to get worse and worse with her attitude and negligence. Holly did opt to get a glass of wine, but apparently we don't look rich enough or old enough for attention. Might I say, please! We obviously can afford to eat here if we are young and you work on tip... so you should learn how to earn it! I hate places that judge you buy your age or how you are dressed. Little do they know that we have been to way better and classier restaurants than they probably will ever go. That aside, onto the boring food. They brought us a "sort of" amouse bouche. It is just bread and a diced Tomato topping. I was a bit hungry so I ate a few pieces before Holly arrived. The tomatoes were sweet and reminded me of a onion marmalade.

They took a while to come back and take our order. Eventually our first course came out. Holly got the Escargot Cassoulet that was decent in taste, but she didn't have enough bread to enjoy it with. For me, I chose the Assorted Charcuterie. It comes with Saucisson, Duck Prosciutto, Homemade Country Pate, Pork Rillette, Cornichons, and Caramelized Onions. The portion was decent and the plate looked good. I liked the duck but I wished it was a little bit more like real prosciutto. Still it was tasty and the best selection on the plate. All the meats were good, not great but I enjoyed it. I wished they had a better mustard to accompany all this because it would have enhanced the flavor.
A bit of time goes by as we sit there. We were completely ignored by our server. Keep in mind this is a tiny restaurant and it is not like we are hard to miss to get any service. In fact we were right in the center. Apparently they forgot to give us bread until now. I told Holly that it must be because we have to sit here and wait a long time until our main course comes... which I was right. The bread was stale and lame. Holly really disdained the bread and questioned if it was day old bread. The ironic part was they are right next door to their own Pascal Epicerie, which probably bakes the bread. Originally I would have liked to try them out but after tonight... heck no!
Our main course finally came and I could smell the hint of truffles so I was eagerly anticipating this dish. We both decided to get the Roasted Quail with Truffle and Chicken Sausage Stuffing, It sounded very good on paper... that was about it. I wished one of us got another dish. The brussel sprout was a bit on the bland side and it didn't help that it was atop celery puree. Sadly, the brussel sprout was Holly's favorite part about this dish. I agree with her that a vegetable being the best part of the dish is sad! The sausage was interesting, it had tons of pistachios inside. The quail and sausage together didn't quite work. I hate the fact that I was picking bones out of my mouth because there were tiny bones throughout. The sauce wasn't anything special or flavorful. Beside the initial whiff of truffle there was absolutely not truffle taste. This dish left me very unsatisfied. During our main course Chef Pascal came out and did some greeting. We noted that he totally blew past our table. Um ok... Holly was not too pleased about this but I told her that I'd rather he didn't come by because I don't want to lie about the food. Besides, I don't care to meet him.
Last we chose the Cheese Plate. Before coming here I was really excited that they offered a cheese plate for dessert but after the whole dining experience I had really low expectations by now. They took some time to bring us out our cheese plates. We had totally different sized cheeses. My portion was smaller. They should make more effort in presentation here if they want to be fine dining. The selection was not too bad. I enjoyed the honey because it seemed to have tiny bits of honeycomb, which I really like. Holly tried to get the server back to say what the 3 cheeses were but she totally blew past us and when she did come back it was rushed and you couldn't really understand her. I really didn't care by this point. I was just ready to go.

All in all, I definitely would NOT recommend this place. Everyone else was not bad but our server just made the mediocre food taste even more mediocre. Holly and I discussed that if service was impeccable then the food might still be passable. We would have definitely enjoyed it more. Alas the whole experience was a let down. I had been meaning to try out a bunch of Pascal's places, but after this. Nah! Not worth the time and effort. It is not like the food is great or anything. I have not been feeling well since SF and I was hoping for some good food tonight so I forced myself to go out in this horrid rain. What a MISTAKE! I regret going here. It was a waste of my time, money, and stomach. I am seriously reconsidering trying anymore places for Dine Newport Beach. Save your money and wait for Dine LA. At least there are more choices and participants. As many of you know I am super behind and the reason I am doing this immediate post is to warn fellow foodies/diners. Don't waste your time here if you are a serious foodie.

Tradition by Pascal

1000 Bristol St N #11
Newport Beach
, CA 92660
(949) 263-9400
Tradition By Pascal on Urbanspoon

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What to do when you are hungry and lazy on a rainy day... On 1/19/10, I was wondering where could I order delivery home so that I don't have to leave the comfort of my own house. After pondering for a long time, I decided to check out to see current deals because you can always get pizza delivered. Fortunately for me they have a huge promotion off "Any size and Any topping for $10." I called the local place nearby and they had delivery but they charge $2.50! Heck no! I might as well drive down the hill and pick up the pizza. My plan to not leave the comfort of my own home failed. Luckily it stopped pouring and I save $5 by driving myself down.
Sometimes you just want some good ole comfort food. I still like the Pan Pizza at Pizza Hut. Of course I chose the Meat Lovers Pizza so that I can get almost all types of meat and I got a Large. They asked if I would like Medium or a Large... I was like... uh duh! Got to get the most out of my money. O=9 The sausage on the pizza was a bit over cooked and you can taste some stale burnt flavor, but other than that... the pizza is fine. It tastes about the same as it did many years ago. Pizza Hut is one of those classic comfort foods that you have to have once in a while. I can actually eat pizza for days and I can eat it cold. ^_^ Still got some in the fridges. I have been eating 2 slices a day and still going! lol Get on the deal while it is hot!

Pizza Hut

25098 Marguerite Pkwy
Mission Viejo, CA 92692
(949) 454-1700
Pizza Hut on Urbanspoon

Friday, January 8, 2010

I am so behind in posting about Break of Dawn nearby. They are a popular breakfast place tucked away behind the Laguna Hills Mall. Despite the location people are still able to find it. The first time I went to this place was with Tofu while he still lived in California. We all miss Tofu! Mango really wants him to move back. They have a simple decor/setup here. Most are wooden tables and it's quaint. The people are friendly and I am sure if you go often it would be a place where they know your name. I read somewhere that the chef here is from the Ritz Carlton. He decided to leave and start his own business with a different take on breakfast.
On my first visit I was exhausted and needed a pick me up so I decided to get their Vietnamese Iced Coffee. I was astonished about how small the drink is. We held up the knife to show the real height of the drink. For $3.50 it is pretty pricey, albeit a strong drink. I can get this easily for less and get more for the value, so I wouldn't order this again. Since this was my first visit I ordered a lot of things to try out. For the appetizer I chose Shrimp Egg Rolls because they sounded delectable. I wasn't too impressed as it was filled with a bunch of random ingredients. There were a lot of different vegetables and noodles inside that didn't compliment the shrimp or flavor well.
Tofu got Waffles for his dish, but it was not anything special. He would rather go to the Original Pancake House for his waffles. I think he wanted a traditional breakfast and I don't really think that this place is suited for that. If you want to come here, you should really try some of their more unique dishes. They really aren't breakfast breakfast because it is a lot heavier than what people normally eat.
He ordered a side order of their Sausage. Ironically he didn't really like it because it was not the type he thought it would be and I really enjoyed it. I bet he was hoping for an Italian sausage but this was an Asian sausage. It was sweet and savory at the same time. Tofu was probably not use to it and he just wanted a salty yet spicy breakfast sausage. Even though I really liked the sausage, I don't know if I can bring myself to pay $4-$5 for just one piece of sausage cut in half. I wished they had the option of a bigger order for a better price.
For my dish, I chose something more unique. After looking over the entire menu, I decided to get the BBQ Pork because it had one of the most unique components. It is a pulled pork with a Jalapeño Corn Cake, Tropical Slaw, and Tempura Egg. The pork was very nicely flavored and tender. I thought the corn cake was more like overdone hush puppies. It didn't work with the whole ensemble. The slaw helped balance and enhance the pork. Normally I don't really like eggs but I was really tempted to try out Tempura Eggs! I was astonished to see that the egg was still runny and moist inside. The outer texture was very crunchy and a nice contrast to the inside. It was worth the try and I ordered it again when Ms. Lin was around to show her this unique way of cooking eggs. I am always up for trying new innovative ways of cooking.
To end the meal, I wanted to try the Mini Coconut-Chocolate Crème Brûlée. I thought the price being $3, why not. It's really small. At first I was sad about the size but then I took a bite... uh no thanks. I wasn't a big fan of the flavor. Normally I love crème brûlée but I don't know if the combo of coconut and chocolate really work well together. The one good thing is that since it is so small the surface area for burnt sugar is much greater.
All in all it was an interesting breakfast and there were certain things I enjoyed. We happened to order some of the normal dishes. Overall they had some different dishes that you would not normally find in other breakfast places. I have come back since and brought some of my other family members and friends because it is different and not bad. My only qualm with the place is that it is a bit pricey for what you get. I am not really one to pay $25-$30 for breakfast... still I'd probably come back again with other people who have never been... or at least to show them the tempura egg. O=9
Break of Dawn
24351 Avenida De La Carlota
Laguna Hills, CA
(949) 587-9418

Break of Dawn Restaurant on Urbanspoon

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Why oh why don't I follow my instincts! I was just up in SF/SJ for a trip to see Avenue Q. On 1/18/10, the day I was leaving, we were indecisive on where we would like to have dinner together before I leave. We were in Cupertino to get me some delicious Q-pop Chicken and a Strawberry Milk Tea. It is a tradition of mine. That day it had been raining like crazy and we were a bit lazy on moving around in the rain. Ms. Lin suggested that we eat in the plaza. I was very hesitant because almost all food in this sad plaza is disgusting. We walked by Guan Dong House and Ms. Lin mentioned that someone told her this place was not bad. I was still skeptical but I was in a blah mood and the rain didn't help so I told her to go grab a menu... reminder to self... restaurants in this plaza are HORRENDOUS! This new place definitely did not prove otherwise.
The main reason I agreed to this place was because they offer the Szechuan Boiled Fish that has been one of my new favorite dish to eat. Reviews online gave this place 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars... boy were they wrong... it needs to be 2 stars or less! Service here was your typical Asian place, non-existent! lol This is normal and totally fine. I had no qualms with the service but the food on the otherhand... YUCK! In Chinese this fish dish has the Chinese character "water" in its name.... and BOY was that true in this crappy place! When the dish came out you could see that it was not going to be good. The sauce was diluted by a ton of water. This dish should traditionally be cooked with chili oil and seasonings. The fish slices are suppose to be full of flavor and spicy goodness! Here it was just fishy and bland. I forced down one to two bites and put my chopstick down. FUH-GET-A-BOUT IT! I am not wasting calories, tastebuds, and more on this crap.
Luckily we both weren't super greedy and didn't plan to order much. I told Ms. Lin that I only wanted the fish dish, which turned out to be NASTY. Ironically Ms. Lin was a little bit more greedier than me and ordered two appetizers. She chose the Pork and Bean Sheets. It is a common cold dish... it normally comes with shredded chicken in Taiwanese places. I am a meat lover so I didn't have any problems with what meat it came with. Normally I really like this dish but as soon as it came out... I knew I want no part of this! Ms. Lin was astonished that I refused to take a single bite. She ate it and I asked her how it was. Just like I thought, I was NOT missing out. She barely touch that dish as well. The portion was pretty big but it should have been put in a bowl or a plate that allowed consumers to mix all the components. It didn't really matter to me because I was not touching that crap.
Towards the end they brought out the last dish which was Pork Dumplings. This is a pretty safe dish, one would assume. I thought it was tolerable but nothing I would write home about. Ms. Lin took the first bite because I was not wasting my tastebuds if it was as bad as everything else has been. She said this was a lot better in comparison but nothing special so I ate one... and that was it! I touched NOTHING that night and this place just reminded me how many bad restaurants I have been to on this specific trip. =*( The next time I am up in SF/SJ, I am going to make every meal count after this horrible food trip.

All in all do NOT go here! We discussed that maybe because it was Monday night that the head chef was off and that is why the food was bad. I retorted that if this is what the other chef cooks like then he needs to be FIRED! No excuse! I would rather eat Panda Express than here! That is how sad it is. I will take fake Chinese food over this crap any day. Heck, any fast food chain would be better than this. Poor Ms. Lin because she took home all the leftovers, which would be everything. She will have to somehow eat that crap and hopefully add more flavor to all the dishes. The one good thing is I ended up not having to pay for it because Ms. Lin was nice enough and probably felt really bad so she paid for the bill. She reasoned since I didn't even eat any of the food really. If I knew this place was so bad, I would have let Ms. Lin take me to A&J in the same plaza. At least they are tolerable! Avoid this place. Enter at your own risk! I warned ya! lol

Guan Dong House
10851 North Wolfe Road
Cupertino, CA 95014

(408) 253-3998

Guan Dong House on Urbanspoon

Saturday, January 2, 2010

It is sad to say but I never have anything to bring for lunch so I am forced to stay within a mile radius of my school and scavenge for food. The worst part is there aren't many good choices around. =*( At least I am always on an adventure and trying stuff that I have never had before. Sadly... it's been a lot of chains and fast food! lol The owners of the this particular L & L Hawaiian Barbecue must be Chinese as they give free Egg Drop Soup with the plates. They also serve other Asian dishes on top of the Hawaiian BBQ.
I ordered the BBQ Mix Plate that contains Beef, Short Ribs, and Chicken. The plate includes a Macaroni Salad, Rice, and remnants of a Salad. It's all about the Macaroni Salad. They do have a good one. There really is more chicken than anything else in the combo. You only get one big piece of short rib. I'm not a big fan of their "special" teriyaki sauce grilled and sadly you get the most of that. >=P I feel the chicken is not that flavorful and it is really just a filler. The short rib is tender and flavorful. I think the beef absorbs more flavor because they are thinly sliced and the textured groove allows more sauce to seep in. It's probably better for me to just order stuff I like to eat rather than a combo... yet I will probably never learn. O=9
My favorite thing about Hawaiian BBQ is Spam Musubi! How can you go wrong with seared Spam on top of Rice and wrapped in Seaweed? If they only gave more Spam!!! They really skimp on the quantity of meat and chunk it up with tons of rice. The second time around I decided not to order it because it's not worth the price. I can get my own can of Spam for about the same price and make tons of Spam Musubi. It really isn't that hard to make but it sure is delicious to eat! O=9
All in all it's a good place to grub if you are in the mood for meat. The prices are reasonable and affordable. I saw that my friends got the single items and they all cost under $5, which I thought wasn't a bad deal. With it you get rice and macaroni salad... hmm maybe I should have that for lunch tomorrow. O=)

L & L Hawaiian Barbecue
1945 E 17th St
Santa Ana, CA 92705

Revisiting an old favorite. Who doesn't love Kettlekorn?! I have been going here for a while and I always take new people there. Everyone who has had some of their popcorn fall in love with it. Ms. Lin has been on a craving for popcorn since the Super Bowl when she went to Miami. This week she is visiting and in dire need to satisfy that craving. Even though today is Valentine's Day, they are still open. I was afraid that they wouldn't be open on Sundays. Lucky for us, we were able to make out like a bandit. Both of us picked up a bunch of popcorn this afternoon from Maw 'N Paw Kettlekorn. They have a wide variety of flavors to choose from. On our visit today, I noticed that there are more flavors than before. My favorite is still the Original Kettlekorn. Needless to say this has always been a hit, since their store is named after this. I have turned many people into big fans of this place. Including my whole family. I bought a 13 oz. bag and only a quarter was left. Guess I should have bought the extra large bag that is almost as tall as I am! lol O=9 They are really dangerous because you could eat the entire bag in a blink of an eye without realizing it. True to the word, munchies!
Ms. Lin's favorite has always been the Spicy Chicago Korn. When I first tried it I thought that it was too spicy but now I am all about the spices. This time around I really love the mix of spiciness and sweet. It is a caramel corn with cheese powder and a spicy kick. They have the regular Chicago Korn without the spice but I think the contrast for spicy would be better. We also bought their Cheddar Cheese Popcorn, which was only so-so to me. I am going to stick to my Original Kettlekorn and Zebra Chocolate Caramel Corn. O=9 Maybe I will have to add the Spicy Chicago Korn to my repertoire. Overall I love this place for Kettlekorn or any type of popcorn. They make great gifts and snacks. Try them out and you will realize how much you crave and love them! ^_^

Maw 'N Paw Kettlekorn
24881 Alicia Pkwy
Ste D

Laguna Hills, CA 92653
(949) 859-3300

Friday, January 1, 2010

As many of you know, I LOVE my Sugar Cane Juice. I am always on a hunt for delicious sugar cane juice and a good price. KFP recommended Fresh Roast a while back. I've probably passed this place a million times and never noticed it. One day I decided that it was time we try this place. If you read Chinese, it says right in the front that they serve sugar cane juice. I took Ms. Lin on my first visit. When you walk in you get a whiff of herbs from the surroundings. That actually kind of put me off but as you walk further in the place it feels very quaint. The surroundings and decor do produce a calming feel and it is extremely quiet there so you can study or just surf the internet. There are also computers in the back that allow customers to go online and I am sure they offer wireless internet as I saw some customers with laptops open.
The people were friendly. Ms. Lin and I decided to get 2 Large Sugar Cane Juices. The prices were a bit steeper than what I am use to. Still, this is pure sugar cane juice. The first time I decided not to get any kumquat juice in sugar cane and Ms. Lin did the same thing. I thought the flavor was waaaay too much and it was different from the Vietnamese sugar cane juice that I usually get. This sugar cane juice tasted more waxy and potent. I was not a big fan and gave my drink to Ms. Lin. Even though I didn't quite like it the first time, I have been back to give it a second try. This is one of the rare times I think kumquat juice inside helps mellow the flavor, but I still taste that waxy feel. It is most likely the type of sugar cane used that makes the difference. The first time we bought this drink, Ms. Lin watered it down because it was so strong and luckily we grow tons of kumquats in our backyard for her to add in! ^_^ Even though it is different from the Vietnamese sugar canes I have had, it is still worth a try. I would recommend it if someone asks.
This picture had to be used because they are cute yet scary! These turtles are right at the register when you pay. I thought they looked cute and were extremely lively. Although the look in their eyes at times.... eek! lol They are saying, "You better pay up!" lol
Fresh Roast
308 S San Gabriel Blvd
San Gabriel, CA 91776
(626) 451-5918
Fresh Roast on Urbanspoon

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