Monday, October 27, 2008

After we ate at Sanmi, we just had to ask where they got that ice cream from! It was the best Black Sesame Ice Cream EVER! O=) Needless to say we had to go on a hunt to buy some for home and try some of their other flavors. We didn't really understand the name and where to find the place when we asked the nice lady from Sanmi, but persistence helped us find it online. After dinner at Sushi Bistro we crossed Golden Gate Park in search for Polly Ann Ice Cream. It was quite an adventure. Eventually we arrived at our final destination and headed in to check this place out. Since it's so far away Ms. Lin voted to stock up so that she won't have to make the drive out any time soon again.There is a big wheel on the wall as you walk in and it will help you decide on what to order! At first I was still kind of confused about the wheel, but after reading more online I understood more about it. Unfortunately I didn't spin the wheel, but if you do there is a chance you can win free ice cream! So ask about it if you go. They have a huge Wall of Flavors to choose from. The people there were pretty nice and definitely from mainland China. They have very Asian flavors and textures.

The Black Sesame Ice Cream was great as usual! When we got home it was too soft and we needed to freeze it for a while to regain it's composure/texture. It's filled with black sesame seeds and flavor with the perfect amount of creaminess. I highly recommend this ice cream. Speaking of which, I need to run to the freezer to eat more before I go home!

The Green Tea Ice Cream was very flavorful and not too sweet. You can definitely taste the tea flavor and it is not overpowering. The texture is very smooth and it isn't too creamy. Definitely one of the better green tea ice creams around. I think a lot of restaurants up here use their brand.

The Mango Ice Cream was not your typical American flavor. It has the Asian essence where it has a flowery after taste and isn't as sweet. I thought it wasn't bad so I picked up a huge tub for home. Why not? We are not going to make another trip any time soon.

The Durian Ice Cream was a little funkier than I expected. Unfortunately they ran out at the store so I could not try it there! I found one in the pre-packed freezer and went on blind faith! It's scary but for the sake of trying new things, I am always willing to go out on a limb. It's pretty creamy and you can definitely taste the durian. I just wished there was more durian taste, less funk, and sweeter. If that makes any sense to you. ^_^

The Lychee Ice Cream was not too bad. It had lychee bits inside and it's a snowy white color. The flavor was only so-so, but I like lychee so I decided to buy a mini-tub for home. It has a little hint of the flowery Asian taste and the lychee flavoring is very light as well.

All in all it's a great new discovery! The people were pretty nice in letting us try a bunch of flavors so I gave them a tip at the end. We ended up buying 4 big tubs and 1 small tub. The total was only $32! It's also a great bargain for "gourmet" ice cream. If you just buy scoops there you end up paying a lot more for a lot less. So I recommend stocking up, going home, and sitting in front of the TV eating it all away! O=9


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