Friday, July 11, 2008


I blame Ms. Lin! She always drags me to different events and we are always let down.

Pamplona for the Running of the Bulls... NOTHING!
Olympic Torch in SF... NOTHING!!
Now, Vegas for the Fireworks... NOTHING!!!

Each time it has gotten worse! At least in Pamplona she was there suffering with me, although not as much as I was. For the Olympic Torch in SF, she ABANDONED me because she had to call into a meeting. I stood outside for hours waiting and holding the cell phone close so I could call her if the Runner came by. NOPE! NOTHING! This time I stood outside in the Vegas heat waiting with her outside in front of the Bellagio for the Fourth of July Fireworks. Ms. Lin called the LV Tourist Info and they told her you could see the fireworks from anywhere on the Strip. LIES! It was a at Caesar's Palace as they said, but you could not see it! We were unfortunately waiting near the fountains since there was nothing else to do. Then we see test fireworks in the air where it was actually visible, then nothing again. Of course when they launched the real fireworks it was BEHIND Bellagio so we saw NOTHING! So upsetting! Luckily it wasn't too hot outside because there was some breeze and the water from the fountain. Still, GRRRRR!

I guess the only good thing was that we watched the water fountain show a bunch of times, too many to count. Hopefully everyone can enjoy this small collage that I assembled. I am tempted to load the video we took of the water fountain show, but I am sure the sound quality is really bad. If anyone really wants to see it, I can try to load it. Let me know. ^_^


Anonymous said...

Hee hee...reading about how Ms. Lin uses and abuses you (citing Crean Pan and SF torch as incidences) I feel quite fortunate that Ms. Bumblebee doesn't act like the Queen Bee and order the poor Honeybee around ;) Oh no, Ms. Lin is going to protest! Sorry Ms. Lin, please forgive me for taking the younger sibling's side soooo easily!

Wait! Why are you going to LV again?!! Is it one of the secret lives of Kat?

Ms. Lin said...

I don't think so Ms Honeybee!! I do not use and abuse Kat - it's not as I plan for these to happen!! Besides, younger siblings are the ones who always abuse older siblings!! :-p

Kat said...

Yes, she does! SOOOO Abusive! Younger siblings take the abuse, sob sob sob! We always have to do what the older sibling commands. =*( Also I am nice enough to bring her all the yummy food I eat. I'll be bringing her stuff from Vegas when I come back. O=9

Kat said...

What secret life HoneyBee? O=) I am going to Vegas this Saturday with a bunch of friends. I guess you could call it a secret life b/c I am not telling my Dad. =X One of my good pal's moving away so a bunch of us are taking a vacay together. Ms. Lin stole my Vegas idea for 4th of July, so I ended up having to go twice... sigh.. o' the HEAT again! lol

The good and BAD thing is that this upcoming trip will be a lot of new places I have never been. Many that Ms. Lin has been to, but never blogged. This also means that I will be even MORE destitute than now. =P lol

Anonymous said...

Oh wait! You're right Ms. Lin, you are kind to Kat because you took her to Europe, no bull and no pun intended :p Bumblebee has NOT taken me to Europe so if one of us should complain, it should be me!

Kat said...

To be fair, she "let" me come later on. It's not as if the trip was free. I only saved on some hotel in Paris, which is still very nice. So she technically didn't take me to Paris, I just came to keep her company. ^_-

Still, it was nice to go with Ms. Lin because she plans out everything. You should have seen her DETAILED list of places to try and go. It's very nice to have everything planned out without a worry. Of course I am anal too, so I map out my meals and schedule but definitely NOT as detailed as Ms. Lin. It was fun going with her to Europe. ^_^ Hopefully we can go somewhere nice again!

Kat said...

Also for the Running of the Bulls, I proved my love to Ms. Lin! At that time my feet were injured and bleeding at the heel & I had extreme stomach problems, which made me stop eating for a few days. Yet I went everywhere she wanted and did what she wanted too. See the love! =)

I guess that's the best way to diet, be so sick to the stomach that you can't eat food. =P

Anonymous said...

Oh yes! I've heard of Ms. Lin's itinerary all mapped out in Excel from Bumblebee, which makes Ms. Lin a great travel companion for Bumblebee because she's also a bit anal ;)

Anonymous said...

Good for you for pushing through with all your pains! I'm sure Ms. Lin appreciated it and was glad that you didn't miss out too much, other than a few good meals. I HARDLY EVER get so sick that I can't eat, *sigh* this must be why I'm still rather round *_*.

Kat said...

Yah, Ms. Lin is a great travel companion since she is so detailed. I've dramatically increased my planning skills so when we go on trips, I contribute more now. ^_^ Definitely not as detailed as her, but if she's it's a trip with others then I will become more like her to make the trip better.

Ha ha, umm I am pretty round too! Especially eating out every meal... lol O=9 It was a very difficult time to stop eating in Pamplona/San Fermin because we wouldn't be there long and I really wanted to enjoy the food! >_<#

Anonymous said...

I must stay vigilant on these blog comments - I don't pay attention and there are all sorts of accusations! First of all, I am not anal but I thoroughly enjoy the fruits of Ms. Lin's labor. :) Secondly, when have I ever abused Honeybee???

Kat - you sound like Emily Blunt's character (the 1st Assistant) in The Devil Wears Prada - "I am only one stomach flu away from my ideal weight!"

Kat said...

Ha ha I WISH I was as skinny as she was! Lol If I could really void food then I wouldn't be so chunky! haha! My Mom and Ms. Lin really had to force me not to eat and torture me when I see all the delicious exotic foods floating around! =9

Also, there's nothing wrong with being anal. I think I am for certain things and sometimes I go 180. We are anal to some degree. ^_^ Yes, Ms. Lin's "preciseness" in traveling is a great benefit! =)

Ms. Lin said...

I can't believe how many comments there are - it's hard to keep up! Yes, my "preciseness" ;-) in travel planning can come in quite handy - that's the best way to make the most of your trips, try new restaurants, see sights, etc. I miss Europe! Kat, we would be back there soon if you achieve your goal! ;-) Florence shopping is calling you!

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