Thursday, July 10, 2008

We were casually walking around Caesar's Palace and happened to come across this odd shaped, but very intriguing store. It was Payard Patisserie and Bistro. At first I was very curious because the structure was very appealing to the eye and very unique. There is a quirky mechanism in the center of the patisserie that's worth checking out. I strolled in to look at what they offered. They had some macaroons, but they didn't look delectable at all. I sent Ms. Lin in after I came out and she checked out the place to see if anything caught her eye. She came back to report that nothing looked good and it was ridiculously expensive.
I pondered for a while and strolled back in to give it a second glance. The store front was really nice so I really wanted to try something there so that I can blog about it and report back to my devoted readers! ^_- I am a huge fan of mignardise and they had this tiny bag with an assortment. Ms. Lin told me not to get it because it was a tiny tiny bag that costs $9 PLUS tax! So I decided to ignore the temptation and left without buying anything. After toiling about Caesar's Palace and The Forum Shops, I bargained my way to buy the bag of mignardise to try.
Boy! Were they a huge disappointment! They were not worth the price! I should have listened to Ms. Lin and not buy anything from that store. So my advice would be check out the place, but avoid buying anything there because I doubt it will be good. The mignardise were bland, gratey, and awkward. It lacked any elasticity or chewy texture that would enhance the flavor. When I ate the mignardise they just sort of disintegrated in my mouth with a bad taste and texture. I want my $10 back! >_<# Bleh!Payard Patisserie and Bistro
3570 Las Vegas Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89136
Payard Pâtisserie & Bistro (Caesar's Palace) on Urbanspoon


Ms. Lin said...

I TOLD YOU not to buy them!! They didn't look that good. You should always listen to Ms. Lin! ^_^

Kat said...

Listening to you has NEVER helped! Once in a blue moon you are right! Tee hee!

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