Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I took a red-eye with Ms. Lin to Miami. Unfortunately our flight was delayed, The Ritz-Carlton totally broke my luggage, the rental car took long to get, and we were running extremely behind. Needless to say that day was hectic and I was barely catching my breath before moving on to a full day's activity. Before we left California, we talked about where I would camp out during her business meeting. We both decided that Calle Ocho would be a good place. I was a little worried but it sounded like "Little Cuba/Calle Ocho" would be a fun adventure. Nowhere in the reviews did it say it would be dangerous, but I was a little cautious since I am foreign to this are and in another state. Still, I am a tough cookie and I am not afraid of most things. ^_-
Calle Ocho was not what I had imagined it to be. I thought there would be more culture and stores but it was really just a street of great Cuban food. Since I would be stuck there for around 4 hours, I found very little to do except eat and eat some more. =X Usually Cafe Versailles is super busy and I was afraid there was going to be a line but I got a seat really easily in the dining area. The area that was super busy in the morning is the Cafe/Coffee area where are the locals come to line up for a fresh cup of Cuban coffee and to chat. Since Cafe Versailles is so well-known for their coffee, I had to order myself a cup. The only problem is that there were a few choices so I asked my server which they are most well-known for. He told me to get the Cuban Coffee with Evaporated Milk. They bring you the hot evaporated milk and you pour the coffee in. The coffee aroma was delightful and tasty. I could see why all those people outside are lined up just to get themselves a nice cup of coffee. A must have indeed. =D
I mulled over the breakfast menu and there were a bunch of choices. Most of it seemed like a normal breakfast menu with a few tweaks. In the end I chose to order the Special Cuban Sandwich. It's Ham, Swiss Cheese, Pickles, and Mustard all on Cuban Bread. The best part is the bread being nicely toasted, fresh, and crispy. All the flavors came together in harmony. It had just the right saltiness, crisp bite, and a wide flavor palette. The pickle helps add another complex level to the flavor of the ham and a special bite. I was really surprised at how good this sandwich was and I should have bought another order to bring back to the hotel to snack on. Although it wouldn't be freshly toasted and crispy if I brought it home, but I'm sure it would still be superb. Thinking about this sammy, I really need to find a great place nearby with a yummy Cuban sammy like this. O=9
The whole time I was sitting there I was eyeing the Tres Leches Cake. Once I see that on the menu, I am sold. Their cake was super moist, rich, and sweet. It was super sweet and leches comes out when you use the fork to cut the cake. The glass of water really helped in between so that I could scarf down more cake. Muy delicioso! The whip cream on top helped mellow out and balance the sweetness. If I had more stomach room I would try a bunch of other desserts.
Even though I was really full by this point, I still went on to ask for the lunch menu. I was there for so long that I made it to the beginning of lunch time. They have daily specials and deals, so I decided to try the Yellow Rice with Pork. Maybe it was because I was full or it was just an off day, I wasn't that impressed with this dish. It was not what I had expected or I would have chosen a different dish. There was barely any pork and it was stewed inside with the rice. I thought it was nice and light. What I really wanted was the pork with a side of rice not rice with bits of pork. Still, it was a solid dish and I enjoyed the plantain on the side. That was my favorite part of the dish! ^_^

All in all it was a nice morning after a super tiring flight. The coffee was wonderful and an eye opener. I should have gotten 2 cups of that delicious treat and maybe 2 slices of cake! Oh and I can't forget the fabulous drool inflicting Cuban sammy. I can easily see why this place is a classic jewel in the neighborhood. The next time I make my way back to Miami and have a car, I would definitely stop by here. Too bad Ms. Lin and my Mom weren't there to enjoy it with me. Don't worry, I made sure to save them some food. The sad part is my Mom ended up letting the hotel throw out due to some miscommunication. My poor money and yummy food flew out the window! =**(

Cafe Versailles

3555 SW 8th St
Miami, FL 33135
(305) 444-0240
Versailles on Urbanspoon


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Forty-four dollars

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