Friday, July 16, 2010

Feeling like a Thai dessert? Well look no further. BKT, Bhan Kanom Thai, is right around the corner. I wanted to get Mango Sticky Rice at Red Corner Asia but Hellobear talked me out of it because she believes the dessert is much better at BKT. Might as well listen to the expert in this neck of the woods. She convinced me by saying it would be cheaper and better than ordering at the restaurant. I willingly agreed because I was curious what other Thai desserts are available and what else I could write about! =D
From the outside it might look a little dinky, but inside is very nice and clean. The staff were very friendly and answered all my questions since I was in unfamiliar territory. They have a few hot snacks and deserts in the case that looked very tempting. If I wasn't so full from lunch and had dinner plans in less than an hour, I'd be all over the various treats. I was surprised to see they offered shaved ice so similar to the Taiwanese style. There were a few more selections of toppings than what I am use to, one being Pandan. I'm very curious to try their Pandan flavored desserts, but maybe next time.
At first I was really disappointed because there wasn't any Mango Sticky Rice to be found anywhere. I surveyed the entire store looking for my favorite dessert and when I finally reached where I started, they brought out stacks of Mango Sticky Rice! WOOHOO! The mango looked super ripe and delicious. It took all the power I had not to grab the entire stack for home. I controlled the urge and only bought two packs that I carefully picked out. O=) The mangoes were ripe and sweet. I found the sticky rice to be a bit on the drier and chewier side, but overall tasted fine. They include a small container of coconut milk, which wasn't that sweet. Overall it was a solid dessert because the mangoes were really good and it was only $5 for the box, which is not bad.
There were a bunch of tempting treats by the register to get you at your purchase. I admit that I was caught in their tempting web. They were all very colorful and cutely crafted. How can you say no to miniature sized treats? lol I asked what was in each treat and decided to go with the Mochi with Black Sugar and shredded Coconut on top. Not really sure what its real name is but it looked good. The texture was soft and chewy. To me, it was a little too sweet so I let my Aunt devour the entire thing. In reality, I woke up the next day they were all gone... lol
All in all it was a nice little treat and there's so much more for me to explore. I am not sure if it is the best dessert in Thai Town, but it's definitely worth a try. They have so many packaged items that sounded good. I wish I could have took everything home with me but then I will need to be rolled home. If you are in the area and looking for a sweet treat, I recommend stopping by to check it out. They are in the same plaza as Red Corner Asia so you can park for free in the day time too. I'll definitely be back for the Mango Sticky Rice.

Bhan Kanom Thai (BKT)
5271 Hollywood Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90027

(323) 871-8030


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