Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I was amazed to see any place in LA to have over 200 reviews and still have 4 1/2 stars. So for Honeybee and I's first adventure together, I had to take her here since it seems to be so well-received. After a nice long dinner of hot pot, why not go somewhere to cool off! ^_^ Fosselman's was actually pretty close to the hot pot place. I swear we bring good fortune to wherever we go. When we first arrived there wasn't a line, but soon after we arrived there was a massive amount of people trailing in. At first we were checking out the cases on what ice cream looks good, but I couldn't find some of the ice creams recommended by other people. Then I looked up at the chart and saw that not everything is displayed, so be sure to look at the chart for the full menu!

I tried their Real Mango ice cream and it just didn't have the wow factor I was looking for. I didn't want to keep asking to try different things, so I just made a complete 180 degrees and just ordered whatever I wanted. That way I could avoid the crowd and grab a seat before they were all taken again. I know I am odd. My choices were Lychee, Dulce de Leche, and English Toffee. OMG! The portion was HUGE! That guy just PILED IT ON! I swear, the cone must have been about 1lb. in weight! We were all shocked at the amount that was given! The English Toffee was very good as well as the Dulce de Leche. Although the sweetness was overpowering for the Dulce de Leche. It really reminded me of condensed milk. The English Toffee was not too sweet and just right in flavor with a crunchy texture. For me, I didn't really like the Lychee because it was sort of flowery in taste. My favorite Lychee and Mango ice cream is at Crêpe in the Grip. That could just be personal preference because their ice cream is fruitier and sweeter, more to my taste.
Tofu got Pistachio and Pomegranate Chip. Honeybee got a scoop of Pomegranate Chip. The Pistachio was lacking in flavor, I prefer the one that B&J or Häagen-Dazs has. All in all it was a nice place to get an after dinner snack or even a mid-day cool down. The texture of their ice cream was very nice and smooth. I just wished they had more unique flavors. The fruit flavored ice cream were not for me, but the normal flavors like Dulce de Leche & English Toffee were very tasty. I am so glad I randomly chose my flavors based on instinct. The prices are very reasonable and it's worth trying. If they were closer, I would go back to try other flavors.
Okay here is a side note, after we departed from Honeybee... Tofu and I were stopped by a cop. This shows how weird the LAPD is! Tofu really needed to go to the bathroom so we pulled into a Wendy's to see if they were open so that he can go to the bathroom. A cop pulled up right behind us and stopped. We were wondering what was happening! He approached us gruffly and asked for license & registration... Tofu asked if something wrong and the officer shushed him immediately. I was sitting there in a panic! Then he said that his sticker was out of date and asked if he had it. LUCKILY Tofu had it in his car or who knows what the cop would have done. He treated us so rudely! That cop was on a power trip or his wife just left him, which I would say NO WONDER, because he already radioed in the plates. WTF! He never even flashed a light to pull us over and suddenly it's like we are criminals. This just fueled Tofu's HATRED for LA, and I can't really blame him. The LAPD really lack any protocol and competence! >_<#


1824 W Main St
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 282-6533
Fosselman's Ice Cream on Urbanspoon


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!! I feel so bad that you were stopped by a rude cop! I've had expired plates before and would have NEVER expected that it would draw such negative attention from the cops. Sheesh! Well, let's take Tofu to more good places so that he could just have good memories of LA :)

Kat said...

Hey Wow I just noticed you are up late! Go you! I like nocturnal people! ^_^ I shun those that sleep so early lol. Yes the cop was crazy and weird! I was scared at first because Tofu didn't do anything wrong and no lights were flashed. It was very creepy at night.

Unfortunately Tofu REFUSES to come back up LA again before he leaves. The most I can probably get out of him is to Garden Grove or Santa Ana.. that's about it... he is being SUPER lazy these days =P

Did you see my Honeybee dedication? It's kind of small, you might not see the words... but if you look for your Pomegranate Chip cone you should see the lil bee I drew for you ^_- it was very hard to do with paint and a lame mouse lol

Anonymous said...

The honeybee you drew is soooo cute!!! Thanks!!! I don't blame Tofu for not wanting to come up to LA, plus maybe he doesn't LOVE food as much as us. I would totally drive down to OC for some good food. Oh yes, I'm nocturnal, I have to FORCE myself to go to bed early Mon-Wed since I need the energy, but Thurs & Friday are great days to stay up super late! But sometimes I have to go to bed so my daughter would go to bed early too....sometimes I "pretend" and get up later and mill around and watch TV...hee hee...but sometimes I wanna "pretend" but sleep through the night.

Kat said...

I am glad you like the little bee ^_^

Yah, Tofu likes food but does NOT love it like we do! ^_- D@rn him for having an awesome metabolism! It's not fair when guys have it! lol We could put it to such better use!

You are welcome down to OC any time to join us on a foodie adventure! Maybe next weekend? Tofu is having a going away party Sunday, you are welcome to come down Sat or Sun. ^_^

I know what you mean about FORCE to sleep. I didn't sleep at all last night and I have been out since 10AM today and got back around 1AM. Yet, I am still up at this unholy time. I feel another migraine will be coming on if I keep being sleep deprived... but oh well! I will live! ^_^

Anonymous said...

We can totally put the fast metabolism to good use like having many foodie adventures! I totally want to come down to OC one of these days but these 2 coming weekends look packed. Oh! My husband and daughter are going up to northern CA to visit family without me from Aug. 26-31, so if I don't go up (Bumblebee will totally object though) then we can totally hang out!!! I'll let you know.

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