Sunday, May 11, 2008

On that Saturday outing, we stopped off in Richmond after Oakland to go karaoke. Before we entered, I decided to stop off and get a nice milk tea. Ms. BumbleBee suggested TenRen's. There was a specific drink that she said she liked. When we went in to ask for that drink, they looked at us weirdly and said that they don't carry such a drink. Ms. BumbleBee said that the other chain she went to had the drink. So by default, I decided to get Passion Fruit Jasmine Milk Tea. They did not offer such a drink on the menu, so I just asked if they could add some passion fruit syrup in their jasmine milk tea. Yes, they have passion fruit green tea on their menu. When I asked for that drink they gave me an extremely hard time saying that it will clump and it won't taste good... blah blah blah! I was thinking in my head that they should just do what I want and it's all lies. That drink is my favorite at Fantasia's. After I had it there the first time many years ago, I always get it in a lot of other places. It's not THAT weird. I think they just have their own idea of what tea should taste like and disregards what the CUSTOMER wants. It was pretty annoying >_<>=|


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