Saturday, January 31, 2009

Being that I am already really sick and tired these days. To top things off and make matters worse I am going to kill myself by driving all the way to Cabazon, which is over 1 1/2 hours away, to go for an audition. So the website said that you only need to get there an hour before and not any sooner, but when I got there it was a mad house! There were people lined up everywhere and we weren't sure which line to get into. So after spinning around many times, we realized it was the line that we saw at the beginning. Of course nobody working there knew what was going on and by the time we returned to that line it was soooo much longer.
So there we were waiting... The line suddenly moved and then stopped.... then came the wait. So originally they have a group going in from 6:00PM, 7:30PM, and 9:00PM. As time went on the line barely moved and we were stuck. Let's just say I got to know the people around me really well. lol Of course they were all very nice and sweet people luckily. We were all patiently waiting for our wristband. Apparently they only had the 9:00PM showing. Originally I had hoped to go to the outlet or eat while I waited. That was NOT the case. In order to TORTURE you, the Wheel of Fortune people make you stand and wait in the line with no information. Basically we were stuck there and starving. The casino was filled with smoke and being that I am already really sick and coughing, this didn't help. I was about to die from exhaustion, cough up a lung, and more.
As time went by we all questioned if this was worth it, but since we drove out so far and waited already it would be horrible to just turn around and leave. I blame Ms. Lin for convincing me to go to this! Did I mention I had a final and a presentation due the next day? lol More stress than needed. Still I decided to stay and wait it out. Around 9:15PM we were let in and left to stand in the crowd in the hopes that our applications will be drawn. Everything is done at random. They take the applications and put it inside the barrel to be drawn out for a chance to audition. Five people were drawn at a time to play a quick round of Wheel of Fortune. In the end my name was not called =*( All this for naught. SIGH! "Supposedly" they will take all the applications back and draw some at random for the final audition stages. Chances are slim but at least I can say I went and tried. They will have more auditions in the future, but I don't know if I'd do this craziness all over again.. @_@ whooo weee! Did I mention that I am 1 million times more tired and sick now to top things off? lol Hope everyone has a great weekend! ^_^


Anonymous said...

Eeks! Hungry for that many hours?!! Wrong!!

So, how many hours did the whole ordeal end up taking??

Dang!! :(

Kat said...

I know! Wait until I post up what I had to eat to survive! So sad =*(

This whole ordeal lasted from 5PM until 11:20PM... this does NOT include the 3-4 hours it took me to drive there. Did I mention that I almost died from all the smoke and exhaustion! =*(

The wort part, besides not getting the chance to feed myself... I didn't even get my shop on~!! =****(

Ms. Lin said...

Poor baby - at least now you can say you tried... Hope your application will get drawn!

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