Saturday, January 31, 2009

Being that I am already really sick and tired these days. To top things off and make matters worse I am going to kill myself by driving all the way to Cabazon, which is over 1 1/2 hours away, to go for an audition. So the website said that you only need to get there an hour before and not any sooner, but when I got there it was a mad house! There were people lined up everywhere and we weren't sure which line to get into. So after spinning around many times, we realized it was the line that we saw at the beginning. Of course nobody working there knew what was going on and by the time we returned to that line it was soooo much longer.
So there we were waiting... The line suddenly moved and then stopped.... then came the wait. So originally they have a group going in from 6:00PM, 7:30PM, and 9:00PM. As time went on the line barely moved and we were stuck. Let's just say I got to know the people around me really well. lol Of course they were all very nice and sweet people luckily. We were all patiently waiting for our wristband. Apparently they only had the 9:00PM showing. Originally I had hoped to go to the outlet or eat while I waited. That was NOT the case. In order to TORTURE you, the Wheel of Fortune people make you stand and wait in the line with no information. Basically we were stuck there and starving. The casino was filled with smoke and being that I am already really sick and coughing, this didn't help. I was about to die from exhaustion, cough up a lung, and more.
As time went by we all questioned if this was worth it, but since we drove out so far and waited already it would be horrible to just turn around and leave. I blame Ms. Lin for convincing me to go to this! Did I mention I had a final and a presentation due the next day? lol More stress than needed. Still I decided to stay and wait it out. Around 9:15PM we were let in and left to stand in the crowd in the hopes that our applications will be drawn. Everything is done at random. They take the applications and put it inside the barrel to be drawn out for a chance to audition. Five people were drawn at a time to play a quick round of Wheel of Fortune. In the end my name was not called =*( All this for naught. SIGH! "Supposedly" they will take all the applications back and draw some at random for the final audition stages. Chances are slim but at least I can say I went and tried. They will have more auditions in the future, but I don't know if I'd do this craziness all over again.. @_@ whooo weee! Did I mention that I am 1 million times more tired and sick now to top things off? lol Hope everyone has a great weekend! ^_^

Friday, January 30, 2009

I know this is random but I am going to try and audition for Wheel of Fortune! Haha I love the show and watch it with Ms. Lin all the time, trying to see who can solve it faster. Will I get on the show? Who knows, but I am definitely going to try! At least I don't really have to sell my soul for a crappy t-shirt this time like I did for the Shecky's event. This time I am selling my soul for a chance at winning money and prizes. Much better deal this time. ^_- lol

Wish me luck! lol

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I have only recently tried Céfiore in Little Tokyo in Downtown LA. It was actually not that bad and I saw that they finally opened one down here next to 85 °C Bakery Café. It was like a girl's night out and we just had dinner nearby. What best to finish off the night than with dessert. In my recollection their froyo wasn't too bad. It's not as tart and much creamier. Mind you, we were there around the end of February and I happen to see the sign that the froyo prices will be 29 cents per ounce starting March 1st, 2009. The current price was 39 cents per ounce. What! I wouldn't want to pay 10 cents more for a day's difference. =9
We strolled on in and looked around. You can ask them to try out their froyo. This location was completely different from the one in LA where it was structured like Pinkberry. The froyo here was served like Yogurtland where the flavors are located outside where you can self-serve the froyo. All of us tried the Mango flavor and that was it... we decided to walk out because it was just bad. There wasn't much flavor and it was not anything like the one I had in LA. Maybe it was just a bad batch that day or something, but I was not inclined to purchase some for myself. Maybe the next time Ms. Lin comes down to visit I will take her here to try out, but other than that... no thanks!

2700 Alton Pkwy # 119
Irvine, CA 92606
(949) 387-1888

Monday, January 26, 2009

I have been looking forward to trying Ambrosia out for OC Restaurant Week. They were top on my list to try since they seemed to have some nice reviews though few. I used my GPS to map out the location, but this didn't help at all because the front is very hard to notice. Luckily I had their number on my cell and called to ask where to park and the exact location again. After I U-turned it was much easier to catch a glimpse as I drove by and turned into the next street where I found the parking entrance. Apparently they are located in the OC Pavilion and the parking is behind Main Street. We went on a Wednesday night and the parking was free. I would call just in case to check what days are free.
They have some sort of live entertainment nightly that changes. When we were there they had a pianist and a cellist. HW had a hard time finding the place so I was there waiting for a while. Of course I took the time to look around and check out some of the reading material. They seem to have a cheaper "Farm Fresh" menu for Thursdays. Everyone was very friendly and the hostess casually chatted with me. After HW arrived we were seated immediately. Their dining room is located behind this glass window that I had been looking at the whole time. The whole time I was sitting there I could smell the delicious aroma of garlic wafting throughout the rooms.
At first glance when I walked past the window I felt like I was walking into a dreamy open tropic area. I will agree with other people that it is very old school but I found the place charming. It was a dark setting that was illuminated with lights decorated upon fake foliage. They have a mirror behind the last set of booths that make the place seem endless and spacious. We were seated right in front of the live performers, which I don't normally like and it was quite funny to see their facial expressions while they play. Sitting close to the stage makes me think we were in a Jazz lounge or a 50's lounge.
HW and I were taking in the environment as they brought us our bread and butter. The presentation was super cute in my opinion where they draw out the butter from the dish and the bread was soooo cute! It's in the shape of a retro-70's flower. We both really enjoyed the bread, both in presentation and taste. It came out fresh piping hot and a variety to choose from as each petal was different. We almost filled up on the bread and you should really save it for later to soak up the sauces. I also really liked the classy way they brought out the lemon slices for my water atop a wine glass rim.
They started off the night by bringing us an Amuse Bouche of a Lobster and Corn, Potato Salad. The taste was fine and in a bite-sized spoon. There was even a dab of Caviar to enhance the flavor.
For our appetizer we had to choose their signature dish of Shrimp Scampi Flambéed Table-side in Cognac Garlic Butter. I wished the place was lit just slightly more so I could take more photos. It was really hard to catch anything but the flames since it was quite dim in there. Another sad part was I left the new camera I am borrowing at home! So I had to resort back to my own camera that was almost running out of battery too! lol
I think the manager was the one preparing at table-side. He was super friendly and fun, especially with his "unique" mustache. ^_^ It was a very nice show as he starts off by putting his hand over the pan to make sure it has reached the right temperature before anything is thrown in the pan. Keep in mind that you might be splattered with the oil even though you don't see it. Each ingredient was artfully thrown into the pan and sautéed.
Everything smelled wonderful and we were anxiously awaiting the final product. The flames were high and fun to see. This was definitely the best choice for appetizer. They actually used pretty big shrimp that were bigger than 21/25 and we both received 4 pieces. I really enjoyed the sweet flavor of the Tomatoes that gave the whole dish a soft sweet acid needed to raise its complexity. HW and I both really enjoy the taste and portion of the appetizer. We really should have saved all the bread to dip it in the wonderful sauce. I liked how the shrimp was cooked just right. They were translucent but not undercooked and had just the right bite.
I almost wanted to lick my plate after I was done since I had run out of bread. Word to the wise, don't use the bread with sweet bits of Cranberry inside because it offsets the delectable flavor.
As usual, I am a sucker for Foie Gras and how can I resist not trying their take on the dish. For this season they are calling it the Black "FOIE'rest" Composition with Artisan Foie Gras, Morello Cherries, Cocoa Nibs and Brachetto di Acqui 'Bubbles'. This was definitely an interesting concept and I don't think I have ever had Morello Cherries. The Cocoa Nibs was really like a Molten Chocolate Lava Cake, which I thought was pretty tasty and had a nice texture. I wished they gave a bigger piece of Foie Gras... but don't we all ^_^. The cherries were not bad but they did start to overpower the delectable juicy flavor of the Foie Gras. I actually really enjoyed the bubbly because it added another texture and complexity to the Foie Gras. Many say that it should always be paired with a sweet wine during consumption. My main complaint was that this dish was not very cohesive. I applaud them for the effort but that cake was totally out of place and if I tried to eat it with everything it would just ruin the palette. They all worked well as separate components but together... it just wasn't quite right.
Sadly, things just started to go downhill from here. Service up until here was very attentive and well paced but they started to get busier... then we became neglected. At first HW was full from the appetizer and couldn't imagine stuffing 2 more courses down... then time passed... and some more... the conversation continued... by this time we were both questioning when our food will next apper. Even HW was complaining that she needed her main course by this time. The Steak Frites were definitely not worth the wait. It's Flat Iron Steak with Hand-Cut Rosemary Frites and Caramelized Onion-Bacon Jus. I debated for a really long time on which main course I'd like and in the end I chose quantity of meat over a more thought out dish. When I saw the dishes of other tables, I knew I made the wrong choice. The steak was not overcooked but the cut was definitely not that great. It is a Flat Iron Steak so there was a huge tendon running through. The sauce was all over the place in taste and didn't compliment the steak. I will say that the fries were fabulous. Even though they were very thick steak cut fries, the center was airy and delectable with a crisp exterior. The only thing that saved this dish were the fries.
Now came the worst part. I saw that they had a Maine Lobster Potato Au Gratin as a side for $8. How could I say no? I should have! Normally Au Gratins are smooth and delicate to the touch. They should really be melting in your mouth. Even HW noticed at how much effort I put into cutting through the layers! I was putting so much force and effort on my fork, yet I couldn't break through the brick that they called Au Gratin! I was about to bust out the steak knife and go crazy on it. The flavor and taste were flat and bad, so I didn't even want to bother. That had to be packed up for home for someone else. My goodness... I get chills just thinking about how bad this dish was and we all know how much I love lobster... but blech!
For dessert we decided to order different things and share so that we may try some more variety. We both actually wanted the Organic Madagascar Crème Brûlée with Fresh Raspberries, which would have been the best choice. The presentation was very simple. I thought the flavor and texture was pretty good. You could see the ground Vanilla Beans on the bottom and the Burnt Sugar on top was done nicely. It was not overly sweet or too creamy. I really wished we had both gotten this dish.
The other dessert the server recommended was "Harry's Berries" Strawberry Cheesecake with Strawberry Rhubarb Sauce and Strawberry Ice Cream. At first glance you would not be able to tell this was a cheesecake, it looked like a cake. When I took the first bite, I really enjoyed the complexity in textures. They have thin flaky wafers atop to add the crisp, cheesecake, then ending with a fine texture. What failed was the cheesecake in the center. I felt that it was very thick and creamy. It was more like a mousse than cheesecake. Let's just say I took this home for other people to eat it so I wouldn't have to waste the calories.
All in all the meal started out good but just started going South after that. We had a nice server and everyone was very attentive... in the beginning... towards the end they didn't even refill my water when I needed it since I still have my cough. The only things I really enjoyed was the Crème Brûlée and the Shrimp Scampi. At the beginning of the meal I was thinking about coming back on a Thursday to try out their other menu but now I don't know... If they were able to maintain the consistency it would have been a very nice meal but it just all fell apart towards the end. I no longer can endorse or support this place, even though I really wanted to in the beginning... sigh! They also left a phone message at my house to ask about our evening. It shows that they care, but there is just too much I have to say...

801 N Main St
Santa Ana, CA 92701
(714) 550-0811
Ambrosia on Urbanspoon

Sunday, January 25, 2009

As many of you have noticed... I am definitely not a vegetable/tofu kind of person... in fact, I go out of my way to avoid them. O=) What am I going to do when my "1st dinner" ran late and I promised to meet up with DC for "2nd dinner" in LA. We kept trying to think of a place nearby but it was already pretty late at night and there were not that many choices available near Korean Town. I was actually very opposed to going to a Tofu Pot place but it seemed like I had no choice and it seemed the simplest solution. Since I already had dinner, it made sense that I wouldn't want to spend too much money on a filler meal so BCD Tofu House seemed like a good choice. It was more to hang out and catch up with DC than to really be eating.
The place was actually very packed for being so late at night and why not... what else is open 24 hours? lol It's a Friday night so it was not surprising that there were still a lot of people and about at night. Actually a group of DC's friends were just done with their dinner so he called up one of his friends to join us and hang out. It's a pretty big restaurant and the people work fast to get you your food.
They immediately brought us a wide array of Banchan. This was the first time that I saw a whole Fried Fish as a banchan and it was pretty tasty. I could have done without the bones but it was worth the effort to tough through. The Spicy Seafood banchan was very tasty. I wish we had more time to enjoy all the banchan before the main course arrived since the tables were very small and became super crowded as they brought out more stuff.
Since this is my first time having Dubu Jjigae, I learned that we get a stone pot of Rice that is scooped into a side bowl... then they add water to the stone pot for the rice to soak. DC made a comment that, "ooooh your pot looks better", since mine was more burnt. I guess more flavor, but I wouldn't know the difference. Just by looking at this, I knew I wouldn't like the "guo di" remaining burnt rice in the pot mixed with water. I told DC that we could switch if he wanted to.
Time for my signature collages. I asked DC to "guest star" in the photo by cracking my raw egg while I snap the photos. Afterwards I tried to stir and take photos at the same time, which didn't help me break the consistency of the egg before it cooked. The Dubu Jjigae came in a piping hot stone pot. I ordered the Assorted Tofu Soup with Beef, Shrimp, and Clam. The flavor was not bad but the clams were disgusting. They had a very strong muddy flavor that ruined the taste. I actually really like jjigae and rice, but I could do without the meat and tofu. O=9 It might sound weird but flavorful soup and rice is the best combo.
All in all the food was aiiight. I am still not a big fan of tofu pot as I knew I wouldn't. At least I am open to trying new things and DC better feel special that I break my tofu pot vow for him! lol My family was shocked to hear that I went to such a place since I am not a big fan of tofu. Still, fun times were had as many embarrassing stories of DC came out when MK arrived. Good times. =P Still, I paid the price because I didn't get home until super late since we chatted for a while and then there was a huge accident on the 101 that basically shut down the freeway! What I do fo my friends! lol

BCD Tofu
3575 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90010
(213) 382-6677
BCD Tofu House on Urbanspoon

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I have been to Olives in Vegas so many times. It is always on the list to take new people. Alldark wanted some good food and not at a heavy price. Surprisingly he had never been to Olives before so I decided that this should be our luncheon meet the next day. We had only departed less than 7 hours ago. Needless to say we were both lacking sleep in Vegas... did I mention I drove the whole way the night before? lol Yes, I am that crazy. As always I have to put up a photo of their amazing Bread Basket. I feel that their Onion Bread has changed a bit, but still good. Due to Ms. Lin's warning that they were under renovation, I called ahead to make sure that they were done and everything is good.
As always I have to order the ever wonderful Tuna Carpaccio with Olive Oil Mashed Potatoes, Crisp Pasta Cracker, Lemon Aioli, Capers, and Parsley. Did I mention I don't share? ^_^ So I made Alldark to order his own and I think he liked it. Of course this also made him pretty full. It is almost a meal in itself. The potatoes on the bottom were simply heavenly as usual and the whole dish comes together in perfect harmony. You can find a wide array of textures throughout this dish. The best part is you can pass this off as being "healthy" lol.
We decided to share our dishes. Since I have been here many times I know my way around the good and the bad. I chose the Chargrilled Lamb Chops with Creamy Garlic & Chickpea Puree, Baby Spinach Insalata, Pine Nuts, Raisins, and Pomegranate Brown Butter. Always a safe choice and so far has not disappointed. I will say that the hummus can be a bit much but it does go great with the salad. The lamb was cooked nicely and made a hearty meal.
For the other dish Alldark chose the Cast Iron Seared Pacific Northwest Salmon with Crème Fraîche Mashed Potato, Smoked Salmon Insalata, Red Onion, Caper Dijon Vinaigrette, and Micro Dill. The salmon was nicely cooked and the crisp skin enhanced the entire texture. It was a very light and tasty dish. The flavors work well together and compliment one another. All the acidic flavors help bring out the delectable taste of the salmon. This just might be another dish I will add to my repertoire.

All in all a great time with a good friend. Don't know when the next reunion be... hopefully not too long and since he will be moving back to California... more chances to meet up and chat ^_^.


3600 Las Vegas Blvd S
Las Vegas, NV 89109
(702) 693-8181

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I am a cheater... I admit it! O=) I vow never to eat Cheesecake Factory ever again because of a disgusting incident and the sad thing is I used to love it... don't judge me! lol So what do I do to circumvent eating at Cheesecake Factory... I go to Grand Lux Cafe, which is the brother restaurant or Cheesecake Factory. Mwahahah It doesn't count. ^_^ Also, you can't blame me for going here recently with Alldark *Mr. L*since it was 2AM in Vegas... there was almost nothing open... if you can believe it. Originally we went to get Carne Asada French Fries but the places was out of potatoes! Unholy! lol At first we went to the Grand Lux Cafe in the Palazzo but I guess they changed their hours and isn't open all night any more so we walked over to the Venetian. We were seated immediately.
They brought out their normal bread, nothing special... mehhh. I ordered the Buffalo Chicken Rolls without Ms. Lin O=). It's Chicken Breast, Cheese, & Buffalo Sauce all rolled in a Spiced Wrapper then Fried and served with Celery Sticks. I always ask for Blue Cheese and Ranch Dressing. Yummy fried goodness. Each roll is packed full of flavor and has a nice crispy texture along with the melted cheese. It's a good appetizer for those who love Buffalo Wings but hate the fuss. You can get a simpler version wrapped in fried goodness. O=9 Did I mention that I loved fried foods and cheese? lol
Sadly, they offer a small menu for this late at night. I normally get the Miso Salmon but that was not available so I decided to order the Shaking Beef for once. It has always been one of my favorite dishes but I think it is way overpriced for the amount of meat you get. Pieces of Tenderloin, Red & Green Onions are stir fried with Mildly Spicy Marinade and served with Steamed White Rice. I don't know if it was an off day or not, but the flavor was not on point and I found it to be too salty. Even though most dishes eaten with rice are usually a little more salty to compliment the flavor, but this was too much. I poured the citric sauce on top to help mellow the saltiness but it didn't quite help that much. The meat was a little overcook for my liking. I will still come back to get this one day but with more careful instructions of how I want it done.
All in all it's still a great place for late night in Vegas. When in doubt, I'd come here. I hadn't seen Alldark for many years so it was a very nice reunion where we got to chat and catch up. The server was friendly and we were able to talk without feeling pressured to leave. I was surprised that my family was not trying to hunt me down since I was gone from around 2AM to past 5AM O=) That is Vegas for you baby! lol

Grand Lux Cafe
3355 Las Vegas Blvd S
Las Vegas, NV 89109
(702) 414-3888
Grand Lux Cafe (Venetian) on Urbanspoon

Saturday, January 17, 2009

As many of you know from my previous post about The Clubhouse, they offer a membership program where you pay $20 and get a $25 GC on the spot... as well as $50 GC that you print out for your birthday and to celebrate your anniversary for signing up with them. To top things off you can also register your family's birthday dates to get a $25 GC to print out so you can take them out. Doesn't that sound like a pretty sweet deal?
Normally I never quite desire coming here unless I get my GC's to print out and then I make a special trip to indulge myself with a family member. This time around my Aunt needed us to do her a favor and gave us her $25 GC to run the errand as well as catch a lunch. My Mom ordered the Chicken Piccata with Chicken Breast, Lemon Caper Butter Sauce, and Herbed Angel Hair Pasta. It is only $12 for lunch. Of course I had to try to budget the meal accordingly since I don't want to spend too much extra dough on a lunch I didn't quite want to go to. The chicken was pretty tender and flavorful with a slight grilled flavor. It was much better than what I remembered. Be sure to eat the dish ASAP because the sauce is quite thick and coagulates quite rapidly. I still make better Chicken Piccata at home, but for $12 here... not too bad.
The reason why I must order something cheaper is because I have to get a 20 oz. Slow Roasted Prime Rib with Horseradish, Au Jus, and Red Skin Mashed Potatoes. This is way over budget but it is a price to pay to get me to come here. O=) I asked for a Medium Rare to Rare cut and the server was sweet & smart enough to order it more Rare just in case. The meat was juicy and tender. I normally don't like my cut so thick and ask for them to cut them into 3 pieces at Lawry's. Here I just eat as is and keep my fussy ways to myself. Don't worry it is still good. The outer layer has all the seasonings and flavors. I feel the meat is a bit flavorless towards the center so sprinkle on some salt all around and some in the au jus to give it that extra kick. Too bad they don't have Lawry's Special Salt... Mmmm good! All in all still not a bad deal with the program! O=)

The Clubhouse
3333 Bristol St
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
(714) 708-2582
Clubhouse - Costa Mesa on Urbanspoon

Friday, January 16, 2009

Thanks to the recommendation of L.A. and O.C. Foodventures and Food GPS to try Nước MíaViên Tây for my Sugar Cane Juice fix... darn them too! I use to be happy with my buy 2 get 1 free sugar cane juice at Bánh Mì Chè Cali before trying here. The people here are really nice and now they remember me since the first time I went to their place I tested out my new logo/toy. I am debating on using "follow the panda" slogan or trademark. The toy is super cute and it looks great in photos. O=9 They now ask me about my panda. lol
Somehow they use the sweetest sugar canes and are a lot more consistent. After the first time I tried them out, I went back 3-4 times and keep in mind I live 30-40 mins away! Not to mention that it is $3.50 for the large cup... and every time I go I must get like 2, then it was 3.. then 4 cups... it is an ADDICTION I tell you lol. Slowly I am able to make it through the day without their sugar cane juice and being poor has led me back to my B2G1F's lol.
Still, Top Notch Sugar Cane Juice in my book. You can have it with Kumquat or just pure Sugar Cane Juice, which is what I get. They are both tasty but are completely different with just a simple additive like Kumquat. Be sure to give them a try if you are ever in the neighborhood. If you have never had Sugar Cane Juice, this would be the place to try it out! ^_-

Nước Mía Viên Tây

14370 Brookhurst St
Garden Grove, CA 92842
(714) 531-9801

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Lingering around the area of Irvine I called TP to see if she wanted to grab dinner. She happened to be with her "wife" M so we decided to all grub together. They both rave about Niko Niko Sushi in Irvine. Last time TP and I went to the one in Costa Mesa and it was a huge disappointment. Since M is a vegetarian and I am definitely NOT, I thought this would be a good compromise and I can give them one more chance. We used Google Maps on M's IPhone but it was really dumb and almost gave us the wrong direction. Luckily we were able to find it in the Woodbury Center.
Here is a special appearance of TP... striking her pose! Trying to catch a hottie walking out of the fitness center. While we were dining there they saw a bunch of guys that could have potential! lol TP needs to join that gym to find Mr. Right it seems. lol
There wasn't anyone there since we went during lunner time and we were seated immediately. The place looked clean and nice. They immediately brought us the Edamame and TP wanted a nice hot cup of Miso Soup.
TP debated on what to order. She normally loves the Idaho Roll but she was tempted when she saw Crab Cakes on the menu. In the end she decided to have the Idaho Roll but they made a mistake and ordered her the Crab Cakes. The appetizer was nicely presented but what was inside them was another story. At first I thought it could have a lot of potential but then I opened them up... it is Imitation Crab! No wonder they were so cheap, still... the guy who brought it out gave it to us for free since they made the mistake, which was very nice of them. Still the dish itself wasn't good. I only liked the Fried Potato Slivers used for decoration. It's a little weird to eat imitation crab cakes with "tonkatsu" BBQ sauce. I guess I can't complain too much since it was free... =P
M of course go the Idaho Roll, which is generously priced at $4.50. Okay brace yourself.... I actually liked this vegetarian roll! **people fainting all around** The flavor and textures actually work well together. I think I might have to stop by hear again sometime soon and get take out. The veggies inside are lightly breaded and fried so it adds that nice crispy texture. It's simple and good. The one at the Costa Mesa location was nothing like this and not good.
I made a mistake to try the Beef Yaki Udon. At that time I was looking for something filling and how can I go wrong with stir fried Udon... well .... it can definitely go wrong. I like the normal Yaki Soba you buy in the super markets and make at home. The concept somehow fell short with the Udon and there were a bunch of gnats roaming around. One flew around my food and landed on top... then died... that kind of grossed me out. The place looks clean but there were a lot of gnats roaming around and I felt a little annoyed that I had to protect my food or throw out the parts that were contaminated. =*(
The good thing about ordering the noodle was that I could add 4 pieces of sushi for $4. I asked them if I could substitute all the pieces for Salmon Sushi since that is the only kind I would eat. The server checked with the chefs and allowed the substitution, which I thought was nice. The Salmon looked fresh and the picture turned out well. It was solid and enjoyable.
Since their fish looked decent, I decided to get Hamachi Sashimi and asked them for Jalapeños & Lemon. They were very nice and complied, which made the fish taste even better. I like the tangy and spicy kick that they give. Most sushi places offer this already and since they didn't here it never hurts to ask. O=)
I also go the Scallop Hand Roll. It was Raw Baby Scallops inside. There wasn't much taste to it but at least they didn't skimp on the filling. For the price, I'd rather get the Idaho Roll.
All in all it was aiight. It's your typical Americanized Japanese place. I thought they guy who served us later on was really really nice. The food is only so-so at best, but I do love the Idaho Roll now that I think about it. Definitely got to go back to get some more. However, I didn't like that a fly died in my food after it was brought out... TP thought it came that way but M and I saw it fall onto my food after they brought it out. This made me question the cleanliness.... Still it was a nice way to spend time with friends. We all had a laugh checking out the people who went to the gym. O=9

Niko Niko Sushi

6384 Irvine Blvd
Irvine, CA 92620
(949) 748-3970
Niko Niko Sushi on Urbanspoon

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